🌊 Aloha and welcome!

  • Hire Jorbin, a totally standard and normal internet person

    Hire Jorbin, a totally standard and normal internet person

    If you’ve got a digital org looking for someone to help scale while truly caring about how his team grows and performs, then go check out my friend the purveyor of bowties.

  • Contributions Welcome!

    Contributions Welcome!

    Open source contributions from anyone should always be welcome.

  • I miss sports

    I miss sports

    I didn’t quite realize how active our family and I was until we’re now on home isolation due to coronavirus. Between the sports the kids play after school, their gym class and recesses at school, playing with their friends after school, and general park and playground time they used to get a LOT of exercise.…

  • Comfort meals

    Comfort meals

    On a normal cold and rainy day, like it is here in Chicagoland today, I enjoy a good comfort meal to warm up both physically and mentally. It’s interesting what people view as a comfort meal as it usually relates to something they had as a child. With all the uncertainty in the world lately…

  • Feed My Starving Children

    Feed My Starving Children

    This morning Finley, Gavin, and I went to Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) and volunteered by packing bags and boxes of their Manna Rice product that is specifically designed to assist in reversing and preventing undernutrition worldwide.

  • How you can contribute to WordPress (yes, πŸ‘‰ YOU!)

    How you can contribute to WordPress (yes, πŸ‘‰ YOU!)

    Me: Do you regularly use WordPress? πŸ“‡ You: Yes, I love it, it’s fantastic! 😍 Me: Have you ever thought about helping contribute to WordPress? πŸ’‘ You: No, I am not a developer. πŸ˜₯ Me: Well, good news, you do not have to be! πŸŽ‰ You: Ok, tell me more… πŸ€” Whether you have considered…

  • Abdullah Ramzan on Contributing to WordPress

    I love seeing people contributing to open source, with particular joy when that’s to WordPress. Sometimes though, it’s hard to know where to start contributing. I’ve written previously on high-level areas you can go to get started on contributing to WordPress, but Abdullah Ramzan published an introduction on how to contribute via reporting bugs, patching…

  • Farewell to XWP

    I’m re-posting something I shared in XWP‘s internal Slack a couple weeks ago with some minor edits. It’s a good recap of how I felt in deciding to walk away from work and dear friends at the end of 2018. As I unplug from XWP, I’m reminded of the many amazing people I’ve met and…

  • Complaints on Gutenberg rarely include alternatives

    Complaints on Gutenberg rarely include alternatives

    Don’t just point out problems, offer solutions as well.

  • Now Accepting Bitcoin!

    Now Accepting Bitcoin!

    We’ve recently added the ability to donate to Race For Vets via Bitcoin.  If hand-writing a physical check is too pedestrian for you and credit card donations via Got Your 6 (“In Honor Of”: Race For Vets), then hop on the digital currency trend and donate with Bitcoin (via Coinbase).  We’ve gone through months of testing…

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