Category: Asides

  • Transitioning to Agile Product Development

    Last week I attended a PDMA LA roundtable discussion on “Transitioning to Agile Product Development“. The discussion was moderated by a PDMA LA board member and featured the following panelists: Scott Gilbert – President & Sr. Consultant at Scott Downey – Chief Scrum Master from Christophe Louvion, CTO – Agile Coach at Gorilla…

  • Rally’s Agile Success Tour 2009: Los Angeles

    I sat through Rally Software’s Agile Success Tour 2009 in LA on March 26th at The Belamar and am pleased to provide my summary below along with some additional and relevant content from Rally. Please do enjoy! A recommended Agile blog to read: The Agile Executive A recommended book to read: Code Complete by Steve…

  • Twiistup Event Recap

    I recently attended Twiistup 5 in Santa Monica on February 12th and was hoping to meet other digital media folks in SoCal as well as check out some cool, new companies who were demo’ing their sites/products. It was held in an empty airplane hangar at the Santa Monica Airport, which added to the coolness factor…

  • Work Sucks & I Travel Too Much

    Sorry for not getting any photos uploaded in FOREVER. I’ve got such a ridiculous backlog of photos and story ideas, the only problem is my 5 monstrous projects at work all hitting around the same time and having to travel or have visitors for what seems like 27 straight weekends. (Jerry Seinfeld comment: “Not that…

  • Hulk Hogan & NBC Grant My Wish

    It was only a few days ago that I wished that someone bring back the retro sports show American Gladiators. Well, apparently someone at NBC (and in reality it was at Reveille) thought the same thing. Thanks to Ben Silverman, NBC is working on a mid-season show hosted by Mr. Hulkamania that will pit your…

  • Knight Rider & NBC Team Up For Retro-Awesomeness

    Word broke this week that NBC is in the works to produce a remake of the 80’s classic Knight Rider show. Not much information is available except to say that The Hoff won’t leading this version and that KITT will have Transformers capabilities (i.e., will be able to change its shape). While I LOVE the…

  • W-O-R-K Virus & Its Eliminators (W-I-N-E & B-E-E-R)

    I received the following via email from my mother, rather funny given my horrible workload recently as well as the upcoming long, holiday weekend. Health Alert! There is a dangerous virus being passed around electronically, orally, and by hand. The virus is called Weary-Overload-Recreational-Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from any of your colleagues, your…

  • Keith Olbermann’s Back In Sports!

    The top notch publication that is The Baltimore Sun has reported that Keith Olbermann will be getting back into the sports TV journalism business. when he reports as part of the NBC Sunday Night Football pregame program, Football Night in America. Mr. Olbermann currently hosts Countdown on MSNBC and appears on the Dan Patrick Show…

  • Free Coffee, Great Rates!

    I feel like I’m commenting on a horrible rendition of the famous Tastes Great, Less Filling commercials from Miller Lite… Well, its free coffee if you happen to live in NYC, LA, Philly or (oddly enough) the burgeoning metropolis of Wilmington, Delaware. And even if you live in one of those cities/hamlets, you still need…

  • Mindless Timehole

    You heard me right, “mindless timehole”. That’s about all I can say for the Blue Ball Machine. Its seemingly endless mousetrap-like shoots & ladders passageways for the blue balls is quite complex, but somewhat enjoyable. Go ahead, follow a blue ball and see where it goes. And when you’re done, realize that you just wasted…