Category: Image
Triggered by an Etsy seller
Not sure how I feel about Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64 being called “vintage”, but if there’s a word for it I’d say… OLD. Also on: X Mastodon
Rockefeller Center – 1000 Pieces
Another 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle completed, this time around Springbok’s Rockefeller Center conveniently timed for the winter holidays. This one was a bit of a wicked pisser as there were lots of seriously non-standard jigsaw puzzle piece shapes that made trying to brute force certain areas super difficult. Still a good seasonal puzzle and a…
Donate Blood, Save Lives
That’s it, that’s the post. Also on: Mastodon
Contribute your Photos to WordPress
Did you know that you can contribute photos to the WordPress project and allow them to be shared and available for others to use in the public domain (CC0 licensed)? Well you do now! Check out the the current photos contributed, submit your own photos, and start to see your own profile grow with…
Wire to wire
How ’bout dem O’s?! Extreme reaction, wire-to-wire AL East division champs 2023!
All he wants for Christmas is a Ravens Super Bowl victory
Sad Keanu is a 49ers Fan
Who knew that Keanu Reeves was a San Francisco 49ers fan? Not me, at least not until I saw him looking so forlorn and sad on the 49ers bench after the BALTIMORE RAVENS won Super Bowl 47!